
Home. In board games it’s a starting point and a final destination. It’s where the heart is and there’s no place like it. In her book The Probability of Miracles, author Wendy Wunder writes “the magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.” For me, home has always been more than just a place to sleep and eat and house my family; it’s the place to gather with loved ones, to cook for friends and family, to show love and offer comfort and to be surrounded by the people and things that I love. Home is a place that can restore you even after a long ruby-slipper day (you know – when all you want to do is click your heels together and be transported home).  As clothing is an outward expression of personal style and taste, home is a private statement to those who you choose to let enter. A place to showcase your collections, accomplishments and favourite things, your space should reflect who you are – as if a peek into your home were a peek into your soul. Filling your place with trendy items or recreating someone else’s version of a perfect room won’t make your house feel any more like  home than will buying the clothes on the stylish mannequin make you fashionable. It’s the personal touches, the photographs, mementos and the collected memories of a life well lived that creates a deeply personal space.  I hope your home is filled with the things and people you love most.

This space celebrates the home –  whether you live in a micro apartment in the city or a rambling country estate – showcasing design ideas, trends, amazing spaces and all the comforts of home in the hopes of inspiring you to create a home you love.

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