What Coco Chanel Can Teach Us About Minimalism

Hunted & Gathered Blog - our living room in a clean state

It’s January so everyone in the world is cleaning out their clutter, taking stock of their priorities, setting goals, eating healthy and definitely spending less time online (wink, wink).

But before you head out to the big box store to pick up some big boxes to organize your stuff maybe it’s time to think about having less stuff.  While I’m a fan of minimalist design I know I will never be able to achieve this:


It’s beautiful and serene but it lacks the personality that I crave in a space. I love stories and I feel that every space should tell the story of the people who live there. The only thing that this space tells me is that the people who live here are very, very clean. I also image they are low talkers as any noise would bounce off those concrete floors and bare walls and rattle around for at least a year.

When I talk about less stuff I’m talking about making small, meaningful changes around buying and storing stuff.

We’ve been told for too long that having stuff will make us happier. Social media has only heightened this ideal. Now, not only do we need more stuff, we need to display it just right, photograph it in the perfect light and then write the most engaging caption to go along with it. #curatedauthenticity


I really believe that a home should be the interior decorating version of when you and your best friend are out shopping and she says “this sweater is soooo you.” Your home should tell your story, make you feel your best and always remind others of who lives there. Does your home do this? Do you feel like the best version of you when you’re at home (I totally went Oprah there for a sec didn’t I? So sorry!) Coco Chanel famously said “accessories are what makes or marks a woman.” but went on to specify before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take at least one thing off.”  The beauty icon knew that while it’s the smallest detail that can make the biggest statement, she also knew too much of a good thing can keep the beholder from seeing the beauty.

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